Forage Larder

LBS Forage Larder brings you a selection of individual quality feed ingredients chosen for their suitability for housed animals.
All items have been carefully selected from approved suppliers, graded and cleaned ready for consumption.
Pic-n-Mix from the wide range of seeds and pulses is recommended to give variety in shape, texture and flavour that will encourage activity and stimulate interest.
Available in a range of pack sizes from 1 to 25 kg and can be vac-packed and irradiated as required.
Wheat, Rice, Coriander, Pumpkin, Flax-seed, Peas (Green, Yellow), Lentils and many more.
Codes and sizes:
1026007 - Peanuts in Shells, 11.34kg
1026009 - Sunflower Seeds - 12.75kg
1026012 - Diced Pineapple - 6kg
1026013 - Apple Rings - 6kg
1026011 - Chopped Dates - 10kg
1026010 - Banana Chips - 8kg
1026020 - Sultanas - 12.5kg
Many more on request -
Suitable for: Poultry, Rodents
Safe For: Irradiation