LBS Gold Chips Original

Gold Chips Original
Particle size 2.24mm to 3.50mm.
Pack size 12.0kg approx. weight.
Particle size distribution
Oversize (with vibrating screen) and inside mesh width of:
>3.5mm, Max 2%
>1.6mm, min 90%
<0.50mm, max 5%
- From PEFC accredited manufacturing site
- Reliable and consistent source of supply
- Natural raw material from sustainable source
- Purpose made, from untreated selected softwood
- Batched certificate of analysis
- Biodegradable
- Highly absorbent
- Extremely dust free
- Consistent high quality material
- Low moisture content
- Autoclavable polypropylene sacks
- Fit to euro pallets
As with all natural products slight differences to the above given values may arise.
Codes and sizes:
1031013 - 12kg poly-woven bag
Screened for: Batch certificate of analysis available
Suitable for: Dogs, Ferrets, Pigs, Poultry, Primates, Rodents