Introducing the new upgraded LBS lorry!
News A-Z
- LBS Bedding Range
- New Enrichment treats
- LBS Wall Planners 2025
- High Perfomance Gowns, Disposable Jackets and Scrubs
- Eco Friendly Autoclave/Transport Bags
- Marsden Animal and Lab Scales
- Love Mash™ Rodent Reproductive Diet
- Anibio
- LBS Eco-Friendly Rodent Transport Boxes
- Rodent Foraging Crumbles
- New Rabbit and Guinea Pig Products for 2024!
- This year, we are celebrating the 85th anniversary of LBS!
- Mouse & Rat Retreats
- Introducing our Luna Pig Range
- Vetbed® Original
- Introducing the CleanSpace Halo Respirator
- Lignocel Products
- Contec ProChlor
- LBS Rodent Shelf
- Mid-Month Special – Gel Products
- F.S.T Ear Punch
- LBS Professional Laundry Liquids
- Eco Friendly Autoclave/Transport Bags
- LBS Clothing Range
- E-Cube
- LBS Eco-Friendly Rodent Transport Boxes
- Safe4 Disinfectant Cleaner
- Eco Friendly Autoclave/Transport bags
- Surrey Diagnostics
- LBS Popcorn Brick
- Feed Me Intelligent Feeding
- Safe4 Disinfectants
- Antimicrobial Surface Coating
- Speciality Beddings & December Special on Gloves
- Introducing the New formulated Distel
- Introducing the new upgraded LBS lorry!
- Treats and Rewards
- Speciality Blended Beddings
- Product of the Month – Sustainability
- The widest variety of products
- Aspen Enrichment
- Airocide Air Purification
- Invirtu Alcohol-Free Hand Foam Sanitiser
- Anibio the Animal Management Software
- Introducing Puralife Clean Skins
- Introducing Self-Cleaning Touch Points
- Bedding and Nesting Material
- Introducing Our New LBS Nesting Cups
- LBS Hamster Range
- LBS Poultry Range
- NEW Fast Aid 70% IPA Hand Disinfectant Sprays With Added Moisturiser
- Standard and Custom Diets Services
- New Gelled Products
- Animal Marker Pens
- Coronavirus
- Clipper Home
- The Original GLP Fun Tunnel
- Nesting Cup
- Techboard & Alpha Pad
- Extension of Shelf Life
- LBS Gold Bedding
- ALPHA-twist – The Premiere Rodent Enrichment Bedding and Nesting Material
- Readiwipes® Wet Skin Cleansing Wipes
- Pocket Water Checkers
- New web based AniBio
- GLP Extra Large Fun Tunnel Arch
- LBS Aspen Bedding
- Aspen Balls
- All New Shoe Range
- Napa Nectar Water Gels
- Trayliners
- MiteArrest
- Clipper Home
- End of Line Sale on Shoes
and be one of the first to know each month